simulacra labs

simulacra labs

simulacra labs

make your NPCs smart.

make your NPCs smart.

build more immersive + realistic games by turning your NPCs into generative agents.

build more immersive + realistic games by turning your NPCs into generative agents.

introducing NPAs — Non Playable Agents

NPAs are essentially NPCs that can think. they are generative agents so they use generative ai models as their engine, vector stores for long-term memory, and special memory retrieval mechanisms to simulate human behavior (diagram from this foundational paper)

wanna play around? run some sims in the playground.

wanna play around? run some sims in the playground.



the paper that inspired us.

© 2023 simulacra labs



the paper that inspired us.

© 2023 simulacra labs



the paper that inspired us.

© 2023 simulacra labs